As a reinsurer, we have built up years of experience which is unique in the Netherlands and abroad.

The way we work

If there is an increased medical risk, it is not always easy to take out a life insurance policy. Insurers can reject the application. DH Reinsurance wants to prevent people from being uninsured against their will. We have been active as a reinsurer since 1905. More and more insurers are finding out about us. That is a good thing because the more people who know about DH Reinsurance, the greater the chance that people who are ill or have been ill can take out a good life insurance policy.

As a client, can I take out a life insurance policy directly with DH Reinsurance?

No, that is not possible. We are a reinsurer. Insurers can assign life insurance to us if there is an increased medical risk. As a client you will not notice this, but in this way we make it possible for insurers to accept you as a client.

Personal and knowledgeable

We are a small, accessible organization with short lines of communication. We work quickly and professionally. We process requests from insurers immediately and can accept more than 90% of the submitted applications. This means that most people with a medical condition can be insured through us.
