Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition that can be treated well. People with diabetes can almost always take out life insurance through DH Reinsurance.
Read moreHeart and vascular disease
Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common causes of premature death. DH Reinsurance can give appropriate advice for every condition, making it almost always possible to take out life insurance.
Read moreObesity
Obesity is increasingly common and can lead to many health problems. Reinsurance is possible and is determined by the overall risk profile of someone who is obese.
Read moreCancer
Cancer is one of the most common medical conditions. We have extensive knowledge of various types of cancer. People who have had cancer are very likely to be able to take out life insurance through DH Reinsurance.
Read moreKidney diseases
Reinsurance via DH Reinsurance makes it possible for almost anyone with kidney disease to take out life insurance, even people on dialysis.
Read moreLung diseases
For many lung diseases, it is possible to take out life insurance, in which the severity of the condition determines the probability of death within the set insurance term.
Read moreNervous system disorders
These include the more common cerebral infarctions and cerebral haemorrhages, but also multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. Rarer musculoskeletal and spinal cord disorders also fall under this category. Reinsurance can almost always be taken out via DH Reinsurance.
Read moreHIV ander other chronic infections
Almost without exception, someone with HIV can take out term life insurance via DH Reinsurance. Other chronic infections, such as hepatitis B and C, are also easily treatable and insurable these days.
Read moreGastrointestinal and liver diseases
Gastrointestinal and liver diseases are often easily insurable. There are also gastrointestinal and liver diseases, such as celiac disease (gluten allergy), that do not entail an increased medical risk.
Read moreRheumatic conditions, autoimmune diseases
In general, rheumatic conditions, autoimmune diseases are easy to treat. It is therefore almost always possible to take out life insurance.
Read moreMental disorders
DH Reinsurance can estimate the risks for mental disorders, depending on the severity and course of the condition and the medication used.
Read moreAddictions
An addiction is always included in the assessment for a life insurance policy, where the severity of the addiction determines the risks. However, if someone has not been addicted within the last two years, the addiction will no longer be included in the assessment.
Read moreRare diseases
Rare diseases can also be reinsured by DH Reinsurance. By consulting external databases and scientific studies in which these diseases occur, we are often still able to make an offer.
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