De Hoop increases the insurability of people with a medical condition

DH Reinsurance makes insurance possible

If you want to take out life insurance, for example in connection with the purchase of a new home, the application will go through a financial advisor, intermediary or directly through the insurer. The insurer assesses the risk and accepts or rejects it. If you are chronically ill or have been ill in the past, the outcome of the application is uncertain. In that case, the insurer may not accept you. That is why it is good to inform the insurer or intermediary about our existence in a timely manner. As a reinsurer, we offer insurers the option of ceding life insurance to us. Therefore, insurers do not have to bear the risk themselves.

Personal and professional

We are a small, accessible organization with short lines of communication. Requests are processed directly by the people with whom they have personal contact. We work quickly and professionally. We will process applications immediately. We can accept more than 90% of the submitted applications.

Our added value

Assessing an application for a term life insurance policy on medical grounds requires customization and specialized knowledge. We have that knowledge in-house. Complex diseases are expertly translated into an appropriate risk profile. Whether it concerns many rare or common conditions: with De Hoop as a reinsurer, it is also possible for people with a medical condition to take out good term life insurance.

Thanks to our unique knowledge and expertise, we can accept 90% of  all applications.